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Shark Liver Oil is that super of the natural in eliminating invaders that have caused me to be at death's door in the past. I shout "no more" as I shall continue to take a stand and expose the cells of my body to Shark Liver Oil-K vitamins on a daily basis. My immune system is always in need of the defense boost that Shark Liver Oil brings to the front line of identifying and destroying that which is foreign. Thank GOD for Wayne Garland presenting his vessel to be used to implement the research efforts needed to produce, above all things, vitamins that enhance quality health. "A toast to those that faithfully believe BodyasDoctor supplements to be that great point of contact!" Thank you!
Antibiotics - who needs them when you are taking this phenomenal product.I've been taking it faithfully for over 20 years..............a must!
Antibiotics - who needs them when you are taking this phenomenal product.
I've been taking it faithfully for over 20 years..............a must!