About 15 years ago, I was living a relatively healthy life when one day my back just suddenly gave out. The pain was so severe that it took me 20 minutes to get out of bed and put my shoes on. I had to get my kids to tie them for me.
A friend gave me some of his Structural Lubrication to try, as it was nearly unbearable to sit down. Twenty minutes later I found myself sitting down on the edge of the chair without even realizing it. Just a few moments later I scooted back to get more comfortable when I suddenly noticed that my back pain had subsided enough where I could finally sit down comfortably. I was ecstatic, to say the least!
Fast forward to today, I’m in my mid 50s and I ride a bicycle to get around and for recreation. Last summer I had a bad cycling accident resulting in a cervical fracture, sprained ankle, shoulder injury, damaged tendon in my hand and all kinds of abrasions. I’m still feeling the effects of the accident.
This past winter the arthritis kicked in from seemingly out of nowhere, but I really became concerned about it because I recently started a job as a bike mechanic. Although the work is enjoyable, being on my feet is aggravating my knee even more.
Thankfully I found your site after googling “structural lubrication”. I had already been on some supplements like women’s multis, glucosamine/msm, spirulina, and ubiquinol(coq10), for blood pressure and general health. But nothing was stopping the arthritis. That is…..until I received my order on Monday!
After studying your articles and supplement descriptions, I see you added Celadrin to Structural Lubrication, and I also got Aphrodite, and Life Transfusion Liquid Mineral Complex. Before taking these supplements, my knee was so bad that when I rode home from work this past Saturday I could only pedal with one leg.
Well, today is Wednesday and I’m happy to report that after starting on the supplements I was able to ride my bike yesterday and will probably go for a spin this evening. The real test though, will be when I return to work tomorrow. But I’m confident that I’ll be able to get through the day. I still have some slight swelling in my knee so I have to be extra careful at work.
A big thank you to you and your team! May God Bless You!