GLUTATHIONE is the Antioxidant Super Hero

The Master Antioxidant

“Many antioxidants work for one thing, or two things, or three things. Glutathione works for everything.”
-Robert H.Keller, MD, MS, FACP, AAHIVS

“GSH (Glutathione) is the unsung antioxidant... the one that makes all the others work.”
-Robert C. Atkins, MD, Founder of The Atkins Center

Glutathione is the mother of all antioxidants, immune system booster and detoxifier, aiding your body in the repair of cellular damage that occurs naturally from life, while at the same time facilitating energy production.

This single nutrient cleans your body at the cellular level, aiding in cell repair and also defending your body against contaminants and chemical assaults. Glutathione supports the body by cleaning out the waste:

  • in the liver as a detoxifier
  • in the spleen to strengthen immunity
  • in the blood, shuttling protein to cells
  • in the cells, signaling the immune system against invaders

Most importantly, Glutathione removes damaged cells, waste and toxins from the body. Without this cleansing, every cell in your body would die prematurely from its own waste matter. Isn't that a lovely thought?

The Super Hero of Antioxidants

Even Dr. Oz considers Glutathione to be the Super Hero of Antioxidants. Click here or on the image to go to Dr Oz' website and watch him explain the benefits and functions of Glutathione.

Dr Oz explaining the benefits of Glutathionephoto: The Dr. Oz Show

The more I learn about this wonder nutrient, the more I’m convinced it truly is a secret savior. After you read this, see if you agree with me.

An untold number of disease conditions can be matched up to glutathione deficiency. Even aging, what most think of as an inevitable marching of time, slows down when your body’s glutathione levels are constant.

Charles Mattocks, celebrity chef and guest blog contributor to Dr Oz' blog and diabetes advocate, has this to say about glutathione:

As a person with diabetes, I need as much support for my body as I can get. People with poorly controlled diabetes may have significant depletion of glutathione levels. Some of the complications of diabetes are linked to oxidative damage due to the elevated blood sugar levels – complications such as damage to the large and small blood vessels, diabetic retinopathy, kidney disease, nerve damage (“neuropathy”), skin problems, dental problems and increased risk of infection due to a weakened immune system.

...Foods such as olives, olive oil, avocado, asparagus, broccoli, garlic, raw eggs, spinach and fresh meats may help your body make the glutathione it needs.

Click here to read the full text of Charles' post.

The good news is that our body naturally generates this wonder antioxidant - the bad news there are a myriad of ways glutathione becomes depleted in our body.

The Standard American Diet of hormone-laden chicken, beef and dairy, vegetables sprayed with pesticides, physical and emotional stress, commuting and idling in traffic sucking in noxious exhaust, trauma, infections and radiation all deplete glutathione.

And the worst depleter? Pharmaceutical drugs prescribed by doctors!

Because of today's stress and toxin filled environment, many of us are unable to make enough glutathione to keep up with the body's need for cellular detoxification.

Plus, as we age, our body’s ability to produce glutathione declines about 10% each decade after 30 years of age. By the time you are 50, your body’s production capacity has decreased by 30%!

You can’t just pop a pill either, as the the absorption of glutathione in the digestive tract is next to nothing. Ideally, glutathione production is supported by eating high quality, unprocessed foods.

But there is an another way to aid your body in increasing glutathione levels. Glutathione and its co-factors have the best absorption rates when applied transdermally through the skin, instead of through the stomach.

Increasing cellular glutathione through topical application can:

  • improve your energy level
  • slow down the aging process
  • strengthen your immune system
  • fight inflammation and age-related diseases
  • enhance athletic performance and recovery
  • detoxify your body

Supta Gluta: Transdermal Glutathione for Powerful Results

Topical Glutathione with Superoxide DismutaseSupta Gluta delivers the right combination of ingredients for maximum benefits topically, through your skin. In a cream form, glutathione can be transported directly into the bloodstream to replenish depleted levels.

Supta Gluta is a 100% all natural, proprietary blend of not only L-Glutathione, but also Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) and other anti-aging compounds capable of diffusion directly into your cells.

With Superoxide Dismutase: The Anti-Oxidizing Enzyme
SOD is a powerful enzyme - repairing cells and reducing superoxide damage. Residing in the dermis and epidermis, this enzyme is key to the production of healthy skin-building cells.

It also acts as an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory, neutralizing free radicals that lead to wrinkles and pre-cancerous cell changes. SOD helps the body process zinc, copper and manganese, and has been used in the treatment of arthritis, prostate problems, corneal ulcers, burns, inflammatory diseases and long-term damage by smoke and radiation exposure, as well as reducing side effects from chemotherapy.

Topically, SOD may help reduce facial wrinkles and scar tissue from wounds and burns, lighten dark or hyper-pigmented skin and provide protection against harmful UV rays.

Suggested Usage: Rub a small amount (1/4 tsp) to thinner skin. Repeat 2-6 times daily as needed.
Bottle Size: 4 fl oz

Click Here to Get Yours!

Further Tips & Suggestions

  • Eat vegetables like asparagus, garlic, onions, broccoli, kale, collards, cabbage, cauliflower and watercress – all brimming with vital nutrients to support normal production of glutathione.
  • Eat selenium-rich foods like oats, brazil nuts, black beans. Selenium promotes the body’s ability to generate Glutathione.
  • Supplement your diet with vitamin B6 and Milk Thistle to support and protect the liver, where Glutathione is manufactured.


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