This became the very first stone laid in the foundation I built for the idea of The Clinic Without Walls - a place of boundless knowledge, filled with caring and healing, available each moment of the day and night, just for the asking.
The My Body As Doctor philosophy is a phenomenon, and the basis of our entire mission. (When you have 45 minutes, come back and watch my keynote presentation introducing it.)
Our belief is that the best doctor for the body, is in fact, the body itself. This is the total reverse of modern day medicine and healing, even natural healing. We design all our formulas and protocols based on what the body is telling us.
When your body talks - Listen.
Your body is actually an intelligence force that looks, listens and then provides the answers for your well-being. Then your job is to learn to listen to this innate wisdom.
Your Body is Your Own Best Doctor
One of the greatest books on life I've ever read is Deepak Chopra's, Timeless Body, Ageless Mind: The Quantum Alternative to Aging.
This masterpiece contains abundant wisdom in each word, phrase and sentence - Chopra’s depth of insight, timeless thoughts and powerful beliefs flow over you like a waterfall.
The one thing that reverberates throughout my mind and spirit as I contemplate this book is Chopra’s belief that, within us all, is a place where disease simply does not exist.
Imagine, for a moment, being able to manifest this thriving place throughout your entire body, and then spread it forward to the next person you meet or to transfer it to our loved ones. Just Imagine.
Few think this way, yet the results are as spectacular as the philosophy and it's origins.
With this in mind, I would like to take a moment to explain more fully how the Clinic Without Walls is setup to help everyone achieve your health and wellness goals.
For more than 25 years, I have been on a relentless search for the keys to full life potential, so that no one need suffer from any disease.
Our primary goal is to help you achieve health and wholeness without expensive and often dangerous pharmaceutical drugs, unnecessary surgery and prohibitive health insurance.
The My Body as Doctor philosophy is simple, but genius in its underlying intelligence and so very simple to achieve.
The best doctor for your body is not a medical doctor – the best doctor is YOU and your very own body.
Introducing our Clinic without Walls
The concept of Clinic Without Walls incorporates the totality of our philosophy with personal mentoring to help you reach all your health and healing goals. Our nutritional formulas accelerate healing, but taking supplements isn’t the end all, be all!
It’s been proven over and over again that a plant-strong diet can reverse any and all disease. Read that sentence again! You don't need to take my word for it - do your own research and you'll find thousands of books, articles, video training courses, workshops, cruises and more on how to use nutrition to heal your body.
Chronic health issues don’t appear overnight - they often take years to develop. While our nutritional formulas are amazing, they are meant to work hand-in-hand with what we call, the 3 D’s: Diet, Detoxification and Daily Exercise. This is the way to achieve Contagious Health.
So, depending upon your specific situation, you may require guidance and support with lifestyle and dietary modifications, as well as, which of our formulas to use and in what combination, in order to reach your personal wellness goals and finally feel GOOD!
The Clinic Without Walls is for Everyone
Whether you are facing a life-threatening illness, struggling with lifestyle, weight or stress issues, or even a professional athlete wanting to compete at the highest possible level, we are here to help you. Our professional health advisers help you navigate your journey and take a very personal interest in your well-being.
Our Clinic is not for profit, but is not free. We are dedicated to bringing low cost, high quality, all natural health and wellness to everyone, regardless of financial obstacles. We understand some people have limitless funds to cover the cost of the Clinic fees, while others may need subsidizing. We are committed to paying it forward for those in need and you have our guarantee, no clinic charges will be wasted.
We offer 3 levels of service:
Your part in this process will be to take ownership for your health and well being.
We have seen this happen over and over again - and it WORKS!
If you have questions, or would like to schedule a personal consultation, call our Customer Support team at (855) 995-2639.
Wayne Garland