Shark Attacks the FLU!

The Super Nutrient for Your Immune System

My passion for 30 years now in the field of alternative medicine, has been to spread the amazing healing powers of the oceans.

Since recovering from cancer many years ago, I have not had one single cold or the flu. No dangerous flu shots or antibiotics. How do I do this when everyone around me is coughing and sneezing? I think a lot has to do with a little known, yet incredibly powerful compound found in Shark Liver Oil.

Discover the facts about this incredible immune strengthener:Book: Shark Liver Oil

  • Helps fight the common cold
  • Eases symptoms of allergies
  • Lowers blood pressure
  • Raises vital white blood cell counts
  • Boosts T-cell counts
  • Reduces blood sugar levels
  • Decreases pain
  • Boosts energy

Source: Shark Liver Oil
by: Neil Solomon, MD, Richard Passwater, PhD, and Ingemar Joelsson, MD

Did You Know?

That of all the animals in the kingdom, sharks are the only species who do not get colds, flu or disease like we humans?

  • A shark’s life span exceeds ours by 25 years
  • Sharks heal twice as fast as we do
  • Sharks outlived the dinosaurs

Over 10 Million Americans Have Cancer

In spite of decades of research, cancer continues to be the #2 killer in America and other civilized countries, right behind heart disease.

Nearly half of all men and women will eventually be diagnosed with some type of cancer and almost one-third of those will die from it.

  • An estimated 1.7 million new cases of cancer are expected to be diagnosed this year
  • Nearly 610,000 will die from cancer in the U.S. in 2018 - that's more than 1600 people per day
  • The costs for cancer in the U.S. are a monumental. In 2015, direct costs for hospital and outpatient treatment totaled $80.2 billion - this doesn't include out-of-pocket expenses or the astronomical cost of prescription drugs.
  • Four out of 10 will get cancer in their lifetime, and 87% are diagnosed after the age of 50

Source: American Cancer Society, 2018

As a Cancer Survivor of 30 Years

I devour every tiny tidbit of information about treating and preventing cancer. Deep within ourselves we all know there has to be a cure out there, or at the very least, an answer to the terrifying tragedy of getting cancer.

When I first was told by marine scientist, Dr. John Croft of New Zealand, a leader in the medicinal study of the shark species, that shark’s just don’t get cancer, that news literally floored me.

Was this the great missing link in the treatment and prevention of cancer and all immune system diseases? You be the judge and jury on this matter.

Let me explain the case for supplementing with Shark Liver Oil, and you then make your own personal and family health decisions.

The brute strength of the shark is not just found in its jaws, but in its liver. Here, scientists found an amazing substance called Alkoxylglycerol (AKG for short.)

Alkoxylglycerol’s are found in only one other place – in Mother’s Milk.

What did God know about Alkoxylglycerol to put them there? To protect the newborn child from the moment she arrived on our planet!

AKG’s have a profound effect on bone marrow production and in turn, the production of white blood cells. These are the leukocytes that the body’s immune system factory makes and then uses as the front line of its defense system and attack system.

Just as babies need fresh Mother’s Milk each day, Shark Liver Oil in the pharmaceutical grade gelcap formula we call Super ‘AKG’ Shark Liver Oil, is Mother Nature coming to our rescue with her healing powers.

I recorded a short video explaining why I am so impressed with this gift from the longest living species on the planet. Click the play button to watch it.

What Shark Liver Oil Can Do for You

  • Reduces the number of viral infections connected with allergies, sinus problems, the flu and the common cold
  • Helps normalize the white blood cell count of patients with chronic lymphatic leukemia
  • Increases the survival rate of some cancer patients and helps decrease the negative aspects of radiation
  • Lowers the incidence of infection in people with HIV
  • Eases symptoms of psoriasis, asthma, bronchitis, arthritis
  • Increases energy and overall strength with stress-related disorders such as Epstein-Barr, Chronic Fatigue, insomnia and even depression

When I was living and studying in China, I was struck by the genius and simplicity of an old Chinese saying,

"Don’t wait to get thirsty to dig a well."

If only more of us here in the West would adopt this simple, common sense approach to all health and healing, we would explode our human potential on a scale unheard of in history. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, my mom always said.

If ever there was a nutritional supplement that everyone needs to take every day – this is it!

Super AKG Shark Liver Oil

Wayne Garland's Shark Liver OilA strong immune system is essential for your health for good health, yet so many suffer from impaired immune response.

From the pristine, unpolluted waters of Antarctica and New Zealand, Super AKG Shark Liver Oil enhances the human body’s lymphatic immune defense system by stimulating the formation of antibodies, thus increasing the number of white blood cells.

I urge every single one of you to make Shark Liver Oil a permanent, daily part of your health regimen. The results will amaze you, as they have me.

They will also amaze your pets, your beloved dogs, cats, even horses. I'll never forget Bandit who was diagnosed with incurable thyroid cancer a few years ago. He was given just one week to live by the veterinarian. Well guess what? He’s still here! He’s completely and utterly cancer free! They couldn't believe it.

The wonderful shark can also help your animals as much as it appears to be able to help us humans.

Click Here to Get Yours!

IMPORTANT: We do not kill sharks for the purpose of harvesting the oil from their liver. The oil is a byproduct when sharks which are caught, along with many other species of fish, from commercial fishing, as a source of food.

If you have a known allergy to fish products, consult a healthcare professional before taking this product.

I am a faithful believer in the Shark Liver Oil as well as the Respiratory Support formulas! My son was in the ER 4 times in 2 months at the age of 2 with respiratory issues. The pediatrician wanted him on inhalation steroids daily for an undetermined length of time. Wayne Garland helped us overcome my son's respiratory weakness and to build his body's ability to heal itself. Now 14 years old, my son has never been on any daily steroids for his breathing and is as active and playful as any other child his age! Actually, I'm certain he's got even more energy because of the vitality of his body! As a mother I am grateful every day for your help and offer a healing alternative to my other options.
Jennifer, AZ
I don't miss a day of my Shark Liver Oil. I used to get very sick with bronchitis and upper respiratory infection every year resulting in my being out sick from work at least 10 days. Since I started taking the Shark Liver Oil, I have not had a cold or the flu in over 12 years! I tell everyone about you and your products. Thank you so much!
Phemie, NY

Further Tips & Suggestions

  • Walk every day for 45 minutes, this boosts the immune system amazingly quickly.
  • Have a bowl of Shiitake Mushroom Miso Soup every week to further boost your immune system. It works far better than chicken soup.
  • Combine with our super-potency Ultra D3 formula and amazing Immune Support Magic Mushroom formulas for a triple attack on immune dysfunction.
  • Use crushed garlic with Extra Virgin Olive Oil as your immune boosting salad dressing. It works wonders and tastes wonderful.
  • Buy a copy of Neil and Richard's book, and read it cover to cover. I know you will be as impressed as I am.


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