Turn Water - and Yourself - into Pure, Unadulterated Electricity

Your Body’s Electrical Energy Source

Start your day with a giant serving of electricity, guaranteed to wake up your brain and organs and prepare you for your day – in a way NO OTHER food can.

If you haven’t tried the super-concentrated Life Transfusion Ionic Liquid Mineral Complex, there is no better time than now! Your brain and every organ in your body will thank you.

Minerals are the Spark Plugs of Life!

Life Transfusion Liquid Minerals - 8oz

Minerals run every organ in the body. They make your heart beat, brain think, lungs pump, and pancreas function. They also make bones and new hair, skin, and nails.

Minerals build the immune system, control insulin, and much, much more.

Minerals come in many forms: colloidal, coral, chelated, and finally, ionic minerals. Only ionic minerals conduct electricity, and the Life Transfusion Ionic Liquid Mineral Complex comes from a special ionic form, purified seawater source. It contains 76 minerals and trace mineral elements, identical to the chemical composition of pure blood.

Minerals are the missing link in all health, healing, and medicine. Read our book, The Key to Health and Healing, and learn why ionic trace minerals are like giving you a daily blood transfusion in a bottle!

Click Here to Get Yours!



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