USA TODAY – 10 states report outbreak of respiratory illness in kids

According to USA Today and all major news organizations, a virulent virus is rapidly spreading across the country. 12 states have seen cases at this point, and as many as 15% of infected children have been hospitalized, primarily due to breathing difficulties.

The number of hospitalizations could be “just the tip of the iceberg in terms of severe cases,” Mark Pallansch, director of the CDC’s Division of Viral Diseases, told CNN.

This virus – enterovirus D68, is typical in that is similar to what the medical community sees during the cold and flu season, but atypical in that we are seeing cases much sooner than the cold and flu season that usually begins soon after Halloween, and also the number of hospitalizations is far greater with this virus than with the common cold.

There are about 100 types of illnesses in the enterovirus family, which affect about 10 million to 15 million Americans each year” , the CDC said.

Dr. Christine Nyquist, medical director of infection control at Children’s Hospital Colorado, said the hospital sent samples to the CDC from patients with respiratory illness. Around 75% were confirmed to be EV-D68. Colorado has seen more then 900 cases of this virus since August 18th.

The reason health officials are concerned this year is that there have been so many hospitalizations.“That’s the scary part — the unpredictability, I think,” Nyquist said.

Several weeks ago, we published an article called, Prepare Your Child for the Viral Playground where we warned of this oncoming viral onslaught. Protecting yourself and your children from airborne invaders is easy if you follow the simple steps outlined in the article.

Your supplements are AMAZING! Sunday night, my daughter was sneezing and feeling like she was getting a cold. I thought it might be allergies, but just to be sure, I started her on Super AKG Shark Liver Oil and Vitamin D3 Gelcaps. I loaded her up again the next morning, and although she was dragging a little, she went to school. I kept it up for 2 more days, and this morning she said half her 1st period class was absent – sick – while she felt really good! I’m thankful for these products!
Connie, Broomfield, CO


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