Welcome to Our Community Kitchen

Our Community Kitchen is designed to help you transition to a plant-strong lifestyle - includes recipes and tips for creating great tasting, vegetarian meals.

Our Community Kitchen

We've created the Community Kitchen as a place to find answers to all your questions about what it takes to transition to a plant-strong lifestyle, as well as recipes and tips for creating great tasting, vegetarian meals for your entire family.

We are all at different stages of our journey, and in the beginning it will be different. Don't become discouraged - this isn’t a sprint. You can take baby-steps before you are able to start running. The goal is to replace any nutritionally-deficient foods you are currently consuming with healthy, life-giving foods.

Whether you have recently made the decision to adopt a more plant-based diet, looking for alternatives to your favorite meals or just looking for some new “quick and healthy” recipes, Our Community Kitchen will be here to assist you along the way.

If you are just getting started, you may have questions like:

  • Where do I start?
  • What should we eat?
  • How will I make school lunches for my kids?

Another great place to start is by watching the movie, Forks over Knives. If you haven’t seen the movie yet, we urge you to watch it on Netflix or better yet, get your own copy to share with your friends and family!

Our Team of Contributors

We've grown and want to introduce you to the contributors of Our Community Kitchen. We will all be sharing our stories, our favorite recipes and fielding questions.

The idea originated when Laura, one of our customers, wanted to make the transition to a vegetarian lifestyle for her family and struggled with where to start. Laura has written several articles chronicling her journey. We think you will particularly like her first article, Dr Vegetable Will See You Now.

Do you have a favorite recipe, that you would like us to make-over as a vegetarian meal?

Email us the recipe, along with your story. Include a photo if you would like us to include it in a future article.

Let’s eat dinner together tonight!



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