The internal & external use of the Life Transfusion Liquid Mineral Complex IS what I identify as the elixir to all of the other great vitamins I take. This mineral foundation, of which my body has been enriched with for in excess of 20 years was once called ~Essence of Life~ which is so befitting for what it has done for me over the years. My skin is very sensitive; Life Transfusion Liquid Mineral Complex has been applied to my mosquito bites, burns, cuts, etc. and the list goes on.
I could write a book; my terminal illness diagnosis and inflammations have been lupus, pleurisy, meningitis, thyroid, arthritis, diverticulitis, etc. "I have learned to walk, touch, taste and literally think all over again; TO GOD BE THE GLORY!"
My regime has been my vitamins instead of the prescription drugs that have innumerable side effects that lead to more drugs. Thank you Wayne for all of the research you have done in helping me sustain good health by the grace and mercy of GOD, who gets all of the GLORY for creating "YOU" for purpose! The greatness of it all is that you are first partaker! I love you for compassionately loving mankind.
There is more I could impart; in closing, I am miraculously a walking, talking miracle. HALLELUJAH! May GOD continue to bless you to research the herbs HE has made just for our bodies to function in the way they should. Life Transfusion Liquid Mineral Complex is the fuel in my tank of activities of daily living!
Love you, Nancy L. Blue